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life&COLLECT, CEO: HJ Park,
Business License: 000-00-00000,
Communication Sales Business Report: 0000-Seoul-0000,
Address: Seoul, Kor
Help Center: +82 (0)0-000-0000 (AM10 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2, Weekend and Holiday Off)
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코삭씨앤티(주), CEO: 김구환 Business License: 213-86-26288, Communication Sales Business Report: 제2021-서울강남-02096호, Address:서울시 디지털로33길 55, 603호(이앤씨벤처드림타워2차)
Help Center: 070-4146-8438 (AM10 - PM5, Lunch PM1 - PM2, Weekend and Holiday Off)